You are planning to change decorating your home, your apartment, your chalet ? However, you don't know how to go about it. ? Don't worry, we have prepared a complete guide for you on how to use the pop art style decoration.

Oh, you're new to this. ? Don't worry, we will help you understand everything about this decorative style that is developing day by day, and seduces many citizens, whether they are French or foreign. You are ready ? So here we go !

First of all, let me define for you what the “style” really is. pop art " By definition, pop art is an artistic movement that was born in the 1950s. It is one of the main movements of the 20th century, and breaks with the old tradition because it is characterized by themes as well as techniques that are drawn from the culture of the popular masses. Thus, advertising is highlighted, but also comic strips or worldly cultural objects. Artists will therefore tend to tell you that pop art is " widely interpreted as a reaction to the dominant ideas of Abstract Expressionism ".

Indeed, like pop music, pop art uses popular images, and thus opposes elitist culture in art.

Now that you are well-versed in the subject, we can begin our guide. !

You want to redecorate your interior using a new art ? Pop art seems to you to be conducive to this change? ?

To make the most of this new decoration model, you will need to choose paintings, or arrangements that use contrasts between colors. Therefore, choose a painting that mixes red, orange, green or brown. Of course, you can naturally opt for a red painting and another green one, which you will place next to the first one.

The goal is to use bright colors that are out of step with reality. Indeed, the mixtures of these colors should attract your eye, and not blend into the crowd, like most wall decorations still used today.

Also favor, within your paintings for example, elementary geometries, or even a lot of fanciful patterns. The goal will then be to add a more sweetened, colorful, childish touch, given that pop art remains a rather uninhibited and humorous style of decoration. Remember that what is important is the play of colors, shapes and atmospheres.

As for your paintings, it will probably be necessary to invest in a collage grouping synthetic, shiny materials, such as plexiglass or even resin. Then, curtains made of glass or plastic beads will be more than enough to accompany everything. Also, favor multi-colored, whimsical chandeliers. In addition, it may be useful to buy rugs, as well as carpets in fluorescent colors, and of course, to enhance everything, you can naturally acquire vinyl records, Juke Boxes, or even disco balls, for the most whimsical among you. !

To achieve your pop art decoration, you will need to stick to a base of white walls, have your portrait made in a pop art painting style, which can be done online, and use designer chairs, such as Knoll or Panton for example.

Finally, we can say that it is very easy to create your own pop art decoration for your interior, you just need a little bit of imagination and off you go. !