Qui Sommes Nous ?
Toute l’équipe de MONTABLEAUDECO se tient à votre entière disposition de 10h à 17h (7/7) sur le site via l'onglet (service client) avec Isabelle et Christophe en télé travail sur notre page Facebook pour vous répondre dans les plus brefs délais. Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous conseiller afin de vous aider à choisir le meilleur tableau.

All your rooms deserve a stylish decorative painting
You have the choice all our canvases are sold with or without frames. It is still possible to order an additional one to have a complete table, ready to find its place in your interior. Our paintings are just as suitable for a dining room as for a bedroom or hallway.
We ship worldwide, completely free! You read that right, delivery is free with no minimum purchase. You won't be able to say that we don't spoil you. We know that it is not easy to choose a painting without seeing it in person. It is for this reason that a "satisfied or refunded" guarantee is present on every purchase. All you have to do is return the painting to us within 15 days in order to obtain a full refund for the canvas (shipping costs are your responsibility).
Have a question?
The whole team ofMONTABLEAUDECO.COM is at your entire disposal from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (7/7) on the site via the tab (customer service) with Isabelle and Christophe working from home on our Facebook page to answer you as soon as possible.We will be happy to advise you in order to help you choose the best painting
Artistically yours,