Suspendre un tableau à l’aide d’une ficelle - Montableaudeco

Hang a painting using a string

You want to hang a painting, but you have no idea how to do it. You want it to remain fixed and stable. In this case, it is best to hang it using a string. Find out how to do it here.
Tableau Star Wars - Montableaudeco

Star Wars painting

Every wall deserves to be adorned with a painting from the world of George Lucas. Would you dare to say otherwise?
Tagged: blog star wars
Changer souvent la décoration intérieure ? - Montableaudeco

Often change interior decoration ?

Why do you need to change your interior decoration often?

Donnez des couleurs à votre déco murale - Montableaudeco

Give colors to your wall decor

A Trend! Colorful Decor Are You Ready?
Tagged: blog
Tableau Déco

Which decorative table for its interior ?

Decorating your interior, your home, your office or your bedroom is giving it a personality, a projection of what one is oneself.