When people are asked the following question: : What do you value most in your life? The answer is very often : my family. Family is not something you choose. It is there for us, in our darkest moments, as well as in our most glorious moments. Usually, it is when we lose something that we realize its value. Close your eyes and imagine a week without your family and loved ones, no contact. Painful, isn't it?

This is why it is important to to realize the value of our family through the many experiences we spend with them (Joy, sorrow, pain). Whether it is: our children, our parents, our friends, etc.… We have the obligation to be kind to them for everything they do in our life. To do this, we have found a way for you to show your gratitude by returning the favor. Read on to find out.

Tableau personnalisé Famille

What is family?

Also called home, family is a group of people who are present and by your side in all phases of your life. We talk about family:


These are your father and mother. Those whose genes you scientifically possess. They are the ones who caused your birth. To go a little further, your family is your uncles, your aunts, your nephews, your cousins,


In this case, following a divorce, or When one of the parents dies, the remaining parent may choose to remarry someone else. In this case, we speak of a reconstituted or stepfamily. Thus, a reconstituted family is made up of one of your biological parents and a stepfather or stepmother.

Single parent

If we remain in the pattern of death of one of the two parents, (which is not desirable), the partner of the deceased, can choose not to get back together. He/she then undertakes to take care of his children alone. It is a single-parent family.


For reasons of lack of financial means, lack of responsibility, “I don’t feel ready” and death of the mother, Babies are abandoned in orphanages. So when a couple decides not to have children or is not able to, they decide to adopt them. This kind of family once formed is called: a reconstituted family.

Family: What are the advantages? that we don't even realize?

Living with a family has its advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages far outweigh the others. These include:

●     Solidarity

Everyone has a family, at worst friends. Now imagine what would happen if we removed the word solidarity relationships that bind us to our loved ones. What is certain is that we would be good at being complete strangers that we meet in the street, but living in the same house. To put it simply, living in a family allows us to be united and to have someone to count on.

Living in a family allows us not to experience the despair of loneliness. Those who live them know it very well…. We die slowly. Having someone to talk to and discuss, having someone to make funny jokes with, but also crazy ones, Shouting at each other to finally reconcile, That is priceless.

●       Trust

Another great thing about family is trust. Trust is that feeling that allows us to be open to someone and tell them our deepest secrets. Remember when all the times you tell your partner about your long days at work…. Or all the times your children come to you to tell you about their experiences at school or on a field trip. Cool, right…?

But we are slowly realizing that this vital trait is disappearing in modern families in our society. But if you ask the question, no one would want to live in an Adam Family.

●       Mutual aid

Who has never fallen ill? Who has never found themselves in a difficult situation that requires help? In any case, for the moment it has not happened yet. In given situations, help is the only possible way out. But, it is clear today that in today's society, mutual aid has become an extremely rare resource. Frustrating... But we can always count on our family as much as possible.

Got the flu? Your family is here to prepare a nice hot bath for you. Is your little brother being teased at school? Hope big brother or dad comes to the rescue. This is a moment, we have probably already experienced it once. And it is nice to think about it.

A real family is about trust, solidarity and mutual support.

Why is it so important? of take care of his family?

Family is more than a word, it is a mixture of feelings, shared values ​​that we think are right. You are not unaware of the enormous support of family (we will take the example of the Fast and Furious movies). So to show them that they matter to you, you have the obligation to be there for them. Because that is life too. Otherwise, you will not last long. It is then right to give them little gifts, little surprises. like personalized family paintings for example, to show that you care about them.

What is a Family Custom Table?

A personalized family painting as the name suggests is a decorative accessory which has specific characteristics specific to the person who obtains it. A personalized painting then is a painting that is ordered with particularities of the family who ordered it.

How is a personalized Family painting ideal for your loved ones?

If you want to strengthen your family bonds, give them a reason to believe that "no matter the obstacles to be together" then the personalized family board is ideal for you. This painting reflects the image of a strong and united family. Thanks to this, your family members will become fond of you and will know that their efforts so far have not been in vain.

Where to find the best personalized family paintings?

You want to have a personalized Family painting at home, No worries, our online store MY DECO TABLE will be delighted to welcome you with our subject matter experts. We are available 24/7 for all your concerns And request for assistance by email.

What are the best personalized family paintings from MON TABLEAU DÉCO? ?

“Laughing as a family is like putting a nice cherry on the cake of life.” Christine Jammes.

Family is the most important thing in the world. That's why we offer you several personalized family paintings on MON TABLEAU DÉCO. Here are some examples:

Personalized Family First Name Table

“Family is where life begins and love never ends.” Never "

Are you a fan of this quote, do you like the color derived from gold associated with white? Are you looking for a painting where filled with hearts with the name of your children and loved ones written in it? You are in the right place. This painting is waiting for you 100%.

Personalized Superhero Family Table 5 Characters

Do your children love the Marvel universe and its superheroes? Are you dreaming of going to Disney or have you already been there and would like to keep a souvenir? Good news! This personalized painting will be more than desired by your dear children. They will find themselves in the body of their favorite superhero. The number 5 relates to the number of people in the small family. If you are 3 or 4 then no worries. Our experts will take care of it.

Personalized Dream Waterfall Painting

Do you love waterfalls? Do you like to see life in color? Why not opt ​​for this painting that contains all these elements together? This beautiful painting with the names of your family will make a beautiful decoration tool for your home (living room preferably).

Personalized Family Dad Painting Personalized Painting 5 Panels

This table is ideal for a single-parent family. You want to give your father a gift for all the sacrifices and efforts he has made for you? Then this one is perfect.

MY DECO PAINTING: what makes us the best producers of personalized paintings in Europe?

MY DECO TABLE is a group of experts who put their know-how at your disposal. We have over 7 years of experience in our field and we have several partners spread across Europe. In addition to our unbeatable best quality-price ratio, we put at your disposal a set of means to guarantee you security in your purchases on our site and tracking of your order to your home anywhere in Europe. Visit MY DECO TABLE for more Personalized Family Table.