The quest for perfection is a habit specific to men. Whether it is our work, our living environment, we always try to make it more perfect to simplify our lives. But if there is one area that takes precedence after our workplace, it is our living environment, in particular the living room : this fundamental space where we spend most of our time. How to find an effective way to decorate your living room?

One way to achieve this is through decoration by modern painting. Without realizing it, paintings have become, in recent years, real essential tools in home decoration. So, which modern painting for a living room? How to decorate a living room with  paintings ? Why choose a painting? for its interior decoration ? And above all where to find a beautiful modern painting For the decoration of your living room ? You probably ask yourself these questions. And fortunately, that is what MY DECO TABLE will answer you in the following lines.

Why choose a painting for your interior decoration for your living room ?

To better decorate your interior, you have to succeed in putting everything you need where you need it in a harmonious reign of colors like Mother Nature. It is in the search for this objective that paintings have become essential in the decoration of your home. interior.

Modern living rooms : Let's talk about it !

Modern living rooms are becoming more and more trendy in the market. Why is it so coveted? ? Because a modern living room, unlike a classic living room, has many more characteristics, namely : space, comfort, wooden furniture and above all a certain fluidity of the environment.

The space

Classic living rooms are usually " less spaced " especially when you have two or three children. Your living room very quickly becomes a real " bazaar " A real headache for parents. Even if the basic space where your living room is placed is large, we really don't know how space is shrinking day by day... The opposite of the modern living room which, thanks to its design, saves you this problem.


If you are very often connected to the world of decoration, you will notice that the modern living rooms, present a certain comfort that could even be described as futuristic. No more large wardrobes, large fireplaces or old means of classic decoration that overlook living rooms now…… All this, we owe it to our dear architects and building engineers. And to perfect it all, the paintings come to enhance these new ways of decorating modern living rooms. Take a look at MY DECO TABLE to get a glimpse of the new modern living rooms with the paintings that subtly decorate them.

Wooden furniture

Wooden furniture is a real catalyst for paintings. It is just as important as the paintings. To bring out the beauty, it is important to know how to combine colors in a natural way without excess. That is how the magic happens.

Now you see that it is important to have an internal decoration board ? This is because the purpose of paintings is to bring out the trendy side of your home by adding a plus to it. What we mean by a plus is the marriage between the colors of your living room and your painting, the message that the painting conveys.

How to choose a good modern painting for your living room ?

Paintings, there are various types. But however, it is important to know these three tips to have a better painting at home. With these three recommendations, we are sure that the painting you buy will not end up in the attic. Here they are :

●    Think about topics that inspire you

As many of us as we are, we all have causes that we support with conviction. We all have a vision and a perception of the world that is different from others. This is what you need to think about when purchasing your painting. If you like pop culture for example, opt for a colorful and original street art painting. If you like actors who you like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street, opt for a painting of the genre. You can also customize your paintings according to what you want at MON TABLEAU DÉCO for example. The ideal would be that the painting you choose is an illustration of your idea.

●    Opt for colors that are bright

How can we forget this important point? ! The purpose of a painting is to decorate. But whoever talks about decoration, talks about colors that appeal. That's the difference between a 19th century painting shekel and one modern painting. So you have to think about it when choosing your modern painting. However, you have to know how to distinguish between vivid and fantasy colors.

●    Identify your table category.

You already know that there are various types of tables. But how to find your way around them…? So to save yourself a useless waste of time searching from top to bottom, you need to know in advance the type of modern painting you need. We have as a modern painting for living room :

Original Street Art Paintings

THE Street Art paintings Originals are paintings that have a connection with everything related to urban art also called the " street art movement ". The paintings in this category are primarily intended to convey a message while taking the style of the decoration. As an example, you can have a Street table on which is painted a Nike shoe, lions with a design that has nothing to do with it  with its natural colors, a portrait of Mickey and other Disney characters in a whole other dimension. Therefore, if you are a fan of urban art, then look no further.

Custom tables

A custom table is a table on which is written everything you want with the help of a specialist in the field of paintings. Basically, it is as if you order the painting with special details. This can be your portrait in the skin of a Jedi (star wars) or your name on a board etc. For more information, contact our website MY DECO TABLE, in the section “ Chat with us » for more insight.

Sports tables

Speaking of sports, we are much more in the soccer, THE basketball, there formula 1 and the motorcycle racing, etc.If there is any One way to decorate your wall is to use stars like Lionel Messi, CR7 in the world of football, Michael Jordan in the world of basketball, Lewis Hamilton in the world of Formula 1, the PSG logo… Like the visual identity of your modern painting.

Cinema paintings

In the world of cinema, you can have paintings based on superheroes like Bat man, Darth Vader in Star Wars, and in animated films as well as in cartoons, Mickey, the Simpsons…. So it's up to you to play if you find yourself here.

Animal paintings

If you are a fan of cute animals, then this is your section. We are all aware of the beauty of the animal kingdom. It all depends on your preference. These boards are here for you to having an animal in your home if you are allergic for example.

You can find these various categories of tables on our site MY DECO TABLE. You have the possibility to filter searches to quickly find what you need.

MY DECO TABLEAU: Who are we? ?

MY DECO TABLE is a group of professional in painting. We benefit from an experience of more than 7 years and we are present in France and throughout Europe thanks to our polymorphic partners. Thanks to our experience, we know exactly what our customers need.

We are here 24/7 for all your painting concerns. We have put at your disposal a whole catalog, which you can of course filter according to your tastes and expectations. We are convinced that you will find everything you need there. as modern painting for your living room.

Why trust MON TABLEAU DÉCO for all your orders of modern paintings for your living room ?

Thanks to our partners spread across Europe, we can more quickly be close to our customers who are none other than you. Once on our site MON TABLEAU DÉCO, you will see our library of modern paintings and on many other themes that you can of course filter according to the profile you are looking for.

In case you need support on our area of ​​expertise, we are available 24/7 to help you. Through the " Chat with us " Or by leaving us your email.

For payments, we have secure methods like PayPal and Visa. You can also :

-Track your order to its destination right to your home ;
-Have a wallet to check all your purchases on our site MY DECO TABLE ;
-Your orders are delivered to your home free of charge and securely anywhere in France and Europe ;

Go to MY DECO TABLE for more explanations and above all, enjoy yourself.